☎️ Call 646-619-6721 to access all of our community programs in one call
Parenting is not easy, but Public Health Solutions is here to help. We offer a variety of services to support pregnant and parenting families so they have the tools and resources they need to give their babies the best possible start in life.
Our community-based programs offer a place for pregnant and parenting families to engage in support groups, peer education, virtual support and more, as well as a place to access essential resources.
Learn more about each community offering and how to access the program below.
Virtual Bereavement Support Group

The Remembering You, Remembering Us (RYRU) virtual support group is an innovative solution to the difficulties associated with in-person bereavement counseling. In times of loss, it is often difficult to gather the energy to seek support outside of the home. The anonymous support group, held in English and Spanish, allows grieving family members who experienced pregnancy, infant, or reproductive loss access to both peer and professional support free of cost and from the comfort of their own homes.
Join the support group by registering through a link to receive the call-in details for all scheduled sessions. Each session is facilitated by a trained counselor and is structured utilizing focused discussion questions while also leaving room for participants to guide the conversation based on their individual experiences.
English RYRU Group: bit.ly/RYRU22
Spanish RYRU Group: https://calendly.com/comadredeiya/recordandote-y-recordandonos-1?month=2024-04
NYC Breastfeeding Warmline

The NYC Breastfeeding Warmline provides free virtual breastfeeding support and answers to questions about feeding your baby. It’s a collaborative effort between Public Health Solutions, the Bronx Healthy Start Partnership, Community Health Center of Richmond, and the Northern Manhattan Perinatal Partnership.
Call 646-965-7212 to schedule a video or phone meeting with a Certified Lactation Counselor to get started. When you call, please be prepared to share the following information:
- Your name
- Your phone number
- Your zip code
- A brief message about what’s going on with feeding your baby
All calls are confidential and one-on-one. Meetings are held via Zoom, a safe and secure platform that is HIPAA-compliant. The NYC Breastfeeding Warmline provides non-clinical advice and support from volunteers. Public Health Solutions is not responsible for individual outcomes.
Crib Distribution

Public Health Solutions is the Queens County Cribs for Kids distributor. Eligible parents or caregivers can receive safe sleep education, a Pack ‘n Play (or portable crib), crib sheets, safe sleep sack for your baby, and crib netting.
To receive a free Pack ‘n Play portable crib, individuals must:
- Live in Queens County, NYC
- Not otherwise have access to a safe sleep surface for their baby
- Be at least 36 weeks pregnant or have a baby who is less than 6 months old. The child’s birth certificate or hospital discharge papers are required.
Please contact the crib distribution location nearest you to learn more.
Corona: 347-571-2792; Jamaica: 718-704-5078